Friday, January 30, 2009

Blog #1

If you were an animal, which one would you be? Why?

If I could be an animal, I would be a bird. I would like to be free sometimes to fly wherever I wanted to go. Sometimes, the grind of everyday life can get to you.

List five non-living things that you can't be without.

I could not live without my car, my cellphone, my computer, my purse, and my wedding ring. What can I say I am a modern girl?

Are you a reader, writer, speaker, thinker, or listener?
I would say I am a thinker, and a listener, and a speaker.

What is the one book you'd want to have with you on a deserted island? Why?

I love books on childdevelopment. My book shelves are filled with them. I would love to have the time to read them all.

In a group setting, do you lead or follow?

I tend to lead. I am the one to step up when no one else will. I just want to get things going, and if no one else will do it then I will.

Turn on your iPod or MP3 player and set it to SHUFFLE. What are the first five songs that play?

I have had ipod's in the past but my husband always steals them. But, if I did...It would be Rise Against,

What is your best personality trait? Your worst?

My best personality trait is I get along with everyone. I love to make friends with everyone and just have fun. I have a lot of patience for people and try to enjoy every moment of my life. I know that life will not be like this forever and I would like to live life to the fullest. My worst trait is that I like to be alone alot. I am an introvert 90% of the time. My husband is an extrovert, it becomes a challenge sometimes. I think that we have learned to deal, it is what it is.
An anonymous donor has given you $1000. What do you do with it?

I would pay my bills. I have two children and it gets expensive after awhile.

Name a movie that you have seen more than twice. What do you like about it?

I will be cheesy and say that I love the notebook. It is one of the movies I like to watch more than once. I would love it if my story ended like that.

What is the best advice you've ever gotten, and who gave it to you?

I have received a lot of good advice in my lifetime. The best was to make sure that I went to school. School has opened some opportunties that would not have been there before.

1 comment:

  1. The Notebook is a fantastic movie, and it's one that I have seen more than once, too. I could watch it at least once a week. Call me a sap, I don't mind.

    When I was younger, I was an extrovert to the Nth degree. The older I get, though, the more peace I find in the quiet of being alone. My husband is a person who thinks that just about everything has to be done in a group. Drives me crazy but like you said, it is what it is.

    I'm looking forward to getting to know you better and to reading your future posts.
